The IVC Networking Evening, Lausanne 2019 promotes corporate investment activity and will foster the start of new corporate venturing programmes. This will be an opportunity for members of the International Venture Club to link with entrepreneurs and attending investors of the Tech Tour 2019 Healthtech Summit showcasing the best investment opportunities from across Europe.


The IVC Networking Evening 2019 is an initiative of the International Venture Club, a global collaborative network of 70+ independent, corporate and institutional investors with a focus on the European venture market.


The Investor Networking Evening is an invitation-only event that caters to the members of the International Venture Club and their invited guests.


Agenda for IVC Networking Evening 2019 on 24 June 2019:


18:00 -  Registration and Welcome

18:30 – Networking Drinks and Dinner

21:30 - End of Networking Evening


If you need further information about the event or about confirming your interest please email