Presenting Companies


Presenting Companies
  • 10 to 12 companies originating from Lazio region will be invited to present their company and its eco-innovative solution as a marketing tool for the international markets
  The presentation should include the following elements:
  • Presentation of the business idea or the business plan, the expected international market potential and the growth strategy of the company as well as some elements of originality by the company related to the eco-innovation.
  • The presentations will take the form of a video (4 to 5 minutes).
The Awards
During the wrap up session of the event an award will be given to the most interesting service innovations presented on the day. 
The awards are based on the following criteria:
·         Originality of the service innovation
·         Business potential
·         Quality of the presentation or video
  AlWhy should you participate?
ong with the opportunity to be part of the European excellence in eco-innovation, the access to the ECOLINK+ Business Club will provide the selected companies with a “for free” wide range of high value-added services:
  • video-presentations, ECOLINK+ Business Club members will be assisted (via technical and financial support) in developing and producing a video-presentation (in English) of the company and its eco-innovative solution as a marketing tool for the international markets;
  • access to qualified information, The 100 Business Club membership will have exclusive access to the ECOLINK+ online platform, where the most relevant and updated news on innovation support services for eco-innovative companies are provided;
  • access to investors and European markets, ECOLINK+ will organize, once a year during its three years project life, a cycle of international networking events (Annual Networking events) open to the ECOLINK+ Business Club members only.
During these events, the selected companies will be also provided with an exhibition stand to showcase their products and services.
How to participate as a presenting company?
If you are interested to present your company at the event, you will have to:
1.    Please send the participation form to the following email address: (deadline May 7th). For more information: +39 0680 368 264.
2.    Register as a "presenting company" on the registration page of this website and complete your company profile online
3.    Fill in an online company profile sheet by May 7th, 2010
4.    If you are selected, prepare a short video (4-5 min) showing your companies activities, emphasising the ways in which eco-innovation is enhanced in your company, business model or offers to your customers.
5.     Be present at the event on 27/ 28 May 2010